Monday, December 31, 2012

Best of 2012

Best Movies in 2012: Life Of Pi, End Of Watch, Argo, The Hobbit, The Grapes of Wrath (1939)- just saw it for the very first time - it is a work of art, Looper and Cloud Atlas

Best in Television 2012 - Treme, Boardwalk Empire, Homeland, Breaking Bad, Jeopardy, Mystery Diner and Restaurant Stakeout
Cd's - Release Me ( Streisand ), 1619 Broadway The Brill Building Project (Kurt Elling), Jason Gould
Food - In NYC - Lamb & Rice food truck on 14th St near 3rd Ave, Panya, Bite, Ess-a-bagel, Jess's Bakery. 16 Handles, Silver Spurs, BiBimBop at 17th St near B'way Korean hole in the wall - forget name BUT I KNOW WHERE IT IS! and Whole Foods Food Bar

- In Buffalo - Savory, Zetti's (Hamburg), Tao (Orchard Park), Arriba (East Aurora), Pano, India Gate(Buffalo), Mulberry(Lackawanna), 5 Guys Burger, Ichiban, El Canelo(Blasdell), Wegman's Food Bar

Theater - Hamburg Theatre Under The Stars - of course

              -  NYC - no best this year

               -  Buffalo - nothing

Retail - TJ Max, Marshall's, Target, BJ's
Coffee - Home - Kuerig - best way to home brew, Savory's coffee in Hamburg, Jess' Bakery coffee in NYC
Wine - Global Wines in Blasdell
          -  Trader Joe's in NYC
Best Book Store - Strand, NYC
Random Recommendations: Hamburg Public Library for BluRay DVDs, Zetti's for pizza, Zetti's for bread, Denny's on Camp Rd. for coffee shop food, Star Walk in West Seneca for a great diverse buffet, Ichiban for sushi, Tao, too, and
Groceries - Aldi's in Hamburg, Wegman's in Blasdell, Trader Joe's in NYC, Save-a-Lot in Hamburg

Best Song – Falling Slowly – not new-a few years old but I just heard it this year AND LOVE IT – have a listen...

Best Trends – the campaign to end bullying, autism awareness, same sex marriage

NEXT POST will list WORST OF 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012



I hate to see 2012 go. It was a good year for me. Also, 2012  just sounds and looks so much better, safer and surer than 2013. Now was 2012 a good year in general? Well, a lot of bad things happened like Newtown and other mass killings, a disturbing crumbling of the Republican Party, Syria, Sandy and so much more. But for me, personally, it was a good year. And, in general, there was much to like in 2012.                                              

In 2012, Glenn and I went to New Orleans post Mardi Gras and had the best time.

In 2012 we did some upgrades to our home having a new a/c system installed, getting new gardens. We also got a new car - love the color - merlot. Keeping step with technology I upgraded to a big screen all-in-one computer that does everything. As for big screens, we also upgraded to a beautiful LARGE flat screen TV  with Blu Ray - better to watch movies which we love to do. Glenn gave me a Samsung Galaxy tablet for my birthday which I love especially for travel on our frequent trips to our NYC home. For our NYC apartment -  handsome new wood blinds were put up.  Glenn splurged on a Kindle Fire HD and loves it. We are just high tech fools. 2013 will bring us smart phones. It will be about time. Oh, I bought a beautiful new creamy gray toilet seat for my bathroom at our house. We were major consumers I suppose. Just trying to help out the economy. Oh, one of my more interesting acquisitions just last month was eye glasses specifically for the computer. My optometrist calls it middle vision. Apparently, that's what we use when online. Whatever - the glasses are wonderful - no blurry vision after a session, no headaches - while online my vision couldn't be better.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Melissa The Magnificent

Today's Christmas song is of the touching, introspective kind. Melissa Manchester seems to be one of the most under rated and perhaps forgotten vocalists of my generation. Just a reminder - Melissa is also a great songwriter. I love her AND I love this song. I think you will too.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Valentine

Here's a fresh NEW Christmas song. My friend, composer / singer Kevin McWha Steele has come up with quite an original and thoroughly charming tune. Click the link for an enchanting musical experience. Btw, other songs by Kevin follow. Give them a listen. They are quite good. You heard them here first.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Who knows why a thought invades our minds. I'm on my way home from eating at Wegman's. We love their food bar. They lay out a United Nations  of cuisine that is hard to resist. It is a great go to place when you don't know where to go to - to eat, that is AND cooking at home is simply out of the question. As I began - we were driving home on McKinley Parkway and my mind is flooded with faces and names and moments of people I don't see anymore - people not in my life - past people. Then the thought train gets more specific. I began to focus on people who annoyed me with their 'act". I believe everyone has an 'act". Its the persona we choose to play - the way we want to be perceived. It is based in truth but what generally happens is this role we play becomes outdated and we often times do not recognize the right time to update ourselves. But then, the folks that are dancing in my mind were part of my youth and updates weren't anywhere near their time. The strange thing, however, is how much more tolerant I am now of these annoying friends and how I now look upon their "acts" as a thing to be missed - a yearning to experience these minor annoyances - to see them again - hang out - annoy them in retailiation. Thank them for enriching my youth. Tell them I'd like to see them again - catch up. Ask them why we drifted.

Its easy to remember a former friend or lover when you know why you are 'former". But we all know that in life people drop in, stay awhile and drop out. And the reasons for the drop out usually lacks the kind of drama that would put a period on the relationship. No, it just dwindles down until you are out of each other's life.

Now, why was I thinking about this on my way home from Wegman's? Why did Tony and Peter, Susan and Susan, Stephen, Ken, Cindy, Seth, James, Con and the rest with their annoying 'acts" take over my mind? And why would I give anything to experience their 'act" again after all these years?

Was it something I ate?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Angels Blush

I will be posting my favorite Christmas recordings from time to time throughout the holiday season. Check back for some special tracks you may not always hear. Today's song has become a real favorite of mine. I first discovered this tune on 9th Avenue in NYC. A man had spread out a blanket on the sidewalk around 47th St. and 9th Ave. He had used cds and cassettes, some brick-a-brack etc. I bought a single cd from him for $1.00 - Basia-Angels Blush. It wasn't even winter. It was a warm sunny summer day. And, anyway, I had no idea it was a Christmas song. In fact, when I brought it home later and listened to it for the very first time - I flipped! But, I didn't realize at first hearing that it was a Christmas song. I just love it. And the idea that angels as they watch humans - blush when they are pleased with us is so charming to me. Have a listen. Tell me what you think.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Classy Mob

We all know how the internet gets bashed. There is that 'element" BUT the internet is so great much of the time. My aunt sent me this video. I just love it. We can experience so may things from just everywhere and not actually have to be there. Someone posts it on youtube or some other site and we benefit. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


"Guns don't kill people. People kill people" This is what those who oppose gun control say. I say, "No you horde of dumb asses - PEOPLE WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE!"  This ridiculous sloganeering by the opposition to gun control really enrages me. Are they serious? Are they really that stupid or is their goal to target stupid people who so very easily fall for such shit thinking something very profound is being uttered. " OMG! People kill people." They just happen to use the gun to do it. Otherwise the gun would just be sitting there looking pretty. Too bad the pretty bullet in the chamber can't be seen as well. I mean, isn't that why people possess guns - handguns  -  for their aesthetic qualities - to display it as they would their beany babies or Fenton Glass or Partridge Family lunch boxes.

I am a fan of too many things that annoy me. For instance 'Survivor". I enjoy the dynamics of the personalities BUT must the producers always have to cast the most obnoxious people. Let me qualify that. They are not all obnoxious. I rather like Malcolm and Denise, Lisa and Carter of the current season. But Abby joins the ranks of so many despicable players before her. Remember Russel? Also, the other thing that annoys me to no end - and this appears in every season in one form or another - there is always a point where the players get all religious. They go on and on about the will of God. You see, these people who participate in 'Survivor" are playing to win one million dollars AND they seriously believe that God is watching the show - that He cares more about people who can afford to put their lives on hold for over a month to have an adventure of a lifetime with one million dollars as a very likely reward. Never mind what's happening in Syria or the world economy or diseases with no cure - world injustices - they believe sitting in their spoiled selfish bubble that the Lord Almighty has become a couch potato that will arrange for them to win one million dollars - after taxes, of course.

I love Jeopardy. I have been watching it for many many years. What dismays me of late is the lack of knowledge the contestants posses when it comes to the Arts. Facts, stats and such that were second nature to many of us when we were kids eludes these very intelligent people. It speaks volumes, though - doesn't it. It tells us that our culture has devolved. I know people who consider The Sound of Music  classical. If they hear a song from the American songbook as they say these days - they generally remark - old school or some such dismissive term. And what do they think is great or, excuse me " awesome or amazing "? - Taylor Swift, those Bravo channel's Housewives series, The Twilight movies - oh, I'm done. Let me go read a book. A BOOK? Oh, have you heard people refer to magazines as books? I have - more times then you would believe. HELP!!

Passing Glances

Just a few quick "takes" :

"Lincoln" the movie directed by Steve Spielberg is quite involving. It deals primarily with Abe's fight to have Congress pass the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. Daniel Day Lewis portrays Lincoln as a quiet and calm and assured politician - and above all - wise. Its a strong performance. The Civil War is winding down and passing this amendment would put a period on the war. The film boldly dramatizes the importance of its passage beyond the issue of freeing the slaves. Tommy Lee Jones will get an Oscar nomination as will Lewis as will the movie as will Spielberg.

Saw an obscure English film 'Toast" - what a wonderfully odd ball movie. Its been showing up on some of the premium channels like HBO, Cinamax and the like. Do a search. Its worth the time.

The latest Broadway cast recording of the recent 'Evita" revival is a big SO WHAT! Why bother. The actress playing Eva Peron sings like Minnie Mouse. Ricky Martin sounds good because he can sing BUT he does not display an ounce of character in his numbers.

Jason Gould has an EP out that is sterling. I downloaded it from Amazon,com. It is a mere 5 bucks and worth so much more. Gould is Barbra Streisand's son! Yes! And when you hear him sing, you will believe it. His tone and sensitivity to the 5 beautiful songs are masterful. Why has he been hiding his talent? Was he afraid of comparisons to his superstar mom? Was he embarrassed to be thought of as the child of privilege getting a break. Well, talent will out. Apparently, Barbra had nothing to do with this effort. And even if she did - so what? I look at it this way. He's joining the family business. His father, by the way is that very good actor, Elliot Gould who began his career in Broadway musicals. So, it runs in the family. I love this EP. It is absolutely mesmerizing.

Speaking of music, check out anything by singers John Pizzarelli, Jamie Cullum, Kurt Elling and vintage warblers Morgana King, Chet Baker and Abbey Lincoln.

I watched 'The Voice" for the first time ever today - DVR'd. I do not think I'll watch it again. It is so sad what passes for singing on this show. Nuance, subtlety, genuine emotion and authenticity are totally absent in all these contestants. Its all about the POW factor. An hour of POW by overly eager wannabees is so damn hard to take. Oy!

To end on a positive note for today - let me recommend 3 TV series all in their last episodes for this season - Boardwalk Empire, Homeland and Treme. They are GREAT GREAT GREAT! If you want to see them from the beginning, they are available on Demand, Netflix, DVD and through your local library.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Hamburg Theatre Under The Stars ( HTUTS ) is over 4 years old. As founder and Artistic Director of HTUTS it is my annual task to raise money that pays for our productions. For these past 4 years with help from Christine Vernon, Lora Grzechowiak and Glenn Kajioka and others, we have been successful. It, however, has been difficult and not fun BUT we do it for Hamburg and, of course, for us. Why? Because we are artists at heart and we also wish to be instrumental in adding to this town's quality of life. Now, there is a constant campaign in Hamburg to shop local - support local. This campaign has become annoying. Why? Because it is a one way street. These groups and businesses like VBAC and Hamburg Happenings attempt, it seems, to make anyone feel guilty and a traitor to Hamburg if they so much as think about shopping or eating someplace other than in Hamburg. Don't dare get the better deal at Target or Walmart or any of the malls. In theory, I agree with their efforts BUT they want us to buy their wares and services - support them - but do they return the favor?

In the 4 plus years HTUTS has existed much needed money and services has not been forth coming from the village businesses. I ran a major fundraising campaign last year contacting well over 150 businesses in this 'town that friendship built" and received only $125 from 5 of these canvased businesses. So where's the local support? Like I said - one way street!

Why should I expect support? Well, HTUTS' Labor Day productions draw thousands of people from all over - not just Hamburg to Memorial Park where we perform our plays. Last year we attracted a conservative estimate of 5,000 audience members. What does this mean for the Village of Hamburg? It means money being spent in shops and especially restaurants. And who makes this 4 day bonanza for Hamburg possible? HAMBURG THEATRE UNDER THE STARS. Wouldn't it be in the town's own interest to throw a little support our way?

You may wonder how, then, do we do our plays without the support of these businesses. We survive through individual support. Its the people - the wonderful people who come to our plays in the park. They freely and without much effort on our part shower us with financial support. The problem with that is we cannot count on or even factor in a concrete amount. Its built on guessing and hope. So what do we do? Well, Glenn and I have financed much of the productions and then hope to reimburse ourselves after the fund raising in the park. So far this,has worked out fairly well. Its just not the smartest and most dependable way to fund a production and all that goes into it - promotion being a major expense. Let me just add that this past year, Kim St. George and Christine Vernon helped considerably with raising funds. We did 3 garage sales. At the park, Kim along with Gene Jeseiwizc, Lora Grezchowiak, Courtney Torgalski, Selena Antionette and others were very instrumental in fundraising. Please excuse my possible misspelling of names. I am writing this with the urgency anger and passion produces.

Anyway, I'm done with asking the Hamburg businesses to support HTUTS. Their buy local campaign sounds reasonable. It is just that they only see it as a one way street. They want support but won't return the favor. And, anyway, who are they to tell people how and where to spend their money. No one has forced them to open up shop in Hamburg. Just as no one has forced us to invent HTUTS. Why do they do it? Probably for the same reason I do HTUTS. Yes, it is reasonable to expect local support just as it is reasonable for HTUTS to expect the same. The differnece is HTUTS is totally non-profit and exists to enrich all the lives of those who participate in the plays or those thousands who come into the Village of Hamburg to see the plays.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shame On Dr. Oz

Today Dr. Oz devoted his show to a debate on aversion therapy - gay to straight. I had to check my calender. What year is this? Oh, 2012! And Oz and guests are debating whether or not you can change from gay to straight. What will his next show debate? Should we have freed the slaves? Was it a mistake to give women the right to vote? Are Negroes capable of complex thought? Why do Jews eat little babies?

I find it terribly offensive that in 2012 or any year for that matter a national television show run by a much loved celebrity doctor gives forum to such bigotry. That there are people out there who are haters is not news to me. That a television show that claims to exist to help and guide people with such a benevolent host dares to give voice to bigots amazes me and enrages me beyond belief!

Shame on Dr. Oz. Shame on the participants in this debate. And shame on anyone who thinks such a debate is fair. How would Dr. Oz like a pro and con panel on the hygiene habits of Turks?

Synonyms for aversion :  disgust, distaste, horror, loathing, nausea, repugnance, repulsion, revulsion

Gee thanks Dr. Oz! Back at you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Classic That No One Watches

That's an actual statistic about "Citizen Kane" the classic movie that was recently unseated as the number one greatest movie of all time. Hitchcock's "Vertigo" took first place this year after Orson Welles' first film held the number one spot for decades. If it were up to me neither movie would hold top spot - most especially "Citizen Kane".

We settled in for another movie night to exercise our new Blu-Ray DVD player and good sized flat screen to watch 'Citizen Kane" for once and for all - in Blu-Ray, of course. So, we were pretty stoked. Wow Wee Wow! The opening shots of Xanadu were evocative and very promising. This was going to be GREAT!  Waah - waah..........

"Citizen Kane" is a monumental bore. It couldn't be more irrelevant and starchy. The acting is, well, ACTING!! The camera angles and placements, the fades and dissolves - new at the time - are show-offy and pretentious. I'm sure these things were worthy of praise way back and deserve respect today - innovation and all that  BUT it is a museum piece AND it should not be touted as the greatest movie ever made. You can imagine the expectations such a pronouncement brings. You will only be let down. And we were.

I believe a true classic, no matter how old, should always speak to whatever time it is experienced. If one must research the subject matter and then delve into the history of the era in which the film was made, that renders the movie irrelevant. It may be a pleasure to watch and interesting in its antique quality but should it be rated the top film of all time. A real classic will always remain relevant. Think of classic movies like 'Its A Wonderful Life, Wizard of Oz, Night of the Hunter, A Christmas Carol ( Alistair Sims ), To Kill A Mockingbird, all those great MGM musicals, Ben Hur, West Side Story - most of Alfred Hitchcock's movies-especially his most prolific decade his 1950's movies - my list is endless- I love movies - even the Mickey & Judy romps are more relevant and entertaining then 'Citizen Kane"

BEWARE THE CLASSIC MOVIE - it may put you to sleep - which, actually, may be its only saving grace.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Oh, that smell of sulfur!"

Last night Glenn and I watched The Wizard of Oz. It must be my zillionth viewing although I haven't seen it in years. We recently bought a Blu-Ray DVD player and just 2 weeks ago upgraded to a much larger digital component flat screen. So, what we are doing is revisiting favorite movies and classics we may or may not have seen  - just to glory in the Blu-Ray visuals - oh, and the sound quality of our new TV is superb.  Surprisingly, the black and white movies are striking in Blu-Ray. But, I digress. What I really wanted to talk about are two very interesting discoveries.

Discovery #1 - Glinda the good witch in The Wizard of Oz says a line I never heard before until yesterday. When the wicked witch departs after her initial threat to Dorothy in a large display of multi-colored smoke, Glinda the good witch says, "Oh, that smell of sulfur". I NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE!! I truly believe it is an ad lib as it seems to me she is speaking out of character and the remark is offhand and very low key. I was shocked and deeply amused as well. "Oh, that smell of sulfur!" - clearly an unhappy complaining actress. What mystifies me is that the editor left it in. I mean such a remark is obviously referring to the visual effect - the huge clouds of smoke that the wicked witch disappears in. And Billie Burke as the good witch, Glinda, breaks character ever so fleetingly to snarl, 'Oh that smell of sulfur!" 

Discovery #2 -  Dorothy and her odd trio, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion and the Scarecrow are entering the forest to find the Wicked Witch so they can steal her broom for the Wizard of Oz. They cautiously walk along a path chanting 'Lions and tigers and bears - oh my." Look closely. You will see the Scarecrow carrying a gun -  A GUN!! When did he get a gun? Why did I never see that gun in all the years  - the many years of viewing this most familiar film.  A GUN??  There are a few quick gun sightings and then it is gone. He never uses it. I can not for the life of me understand why I haven't spotted the Scarecrow brandishing a pistol before.


Sunday, November 25, 2012


It has become a cliche to say family is who you chose not necessarily who you are related too. And cliche's are tiresome. Yet, don't cliche's exist out of truth? You see, I agree with the "family is who you chose" cliche. There are people in my life I love to death who are not blood related or even related through marriage. They are related through experience - through shared times and events - episodes. I think about this today because I just spent an evening with such a "relative". He is everything family should be - well, everything we keep expecting from blood but are frequently let down by. Why is that? This young man comes to my home with love and respect and bushels of fun. He leaves me with a pure heart. There is never a left over resentment or shred of disappointment after he is gone. I have wanted that from my family all my life. It is a rare moment in time when I had that. Retrospectively, I had unconditional love from my parents who are sadly gone. I have a sister , a brother-in-law, niece and two nephews who fulfill this need. Yet, I come from a large family of siblings, nieces and nephews. It is a very broken family as a distant niece recently remarked.

When did we break? When will we be fixed? Who will fix us?

I am not shattered. It is just something I think about when chosen family - not blood - shares my time. I actually have a good life. I am with the love of my life. I am not unhappy. I just could be happier. Couldn't we all?

Oh, the cliche is " "You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family" - thanks google. I prefer the newer cliche "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves".

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Morgana King

There is absolutely no one on this earth like Morgana King. Otherworldly,enchanting, mezmerizing, ghostly, BEAUTIFUL may suffice in describing her sound. You just have to hear her to understand what I mean. Click the link below to sample this celestial being called Morgana King. Start with 'A Taste Of Honey".

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Life Of Pi

Ang Lee's new movie, Life Of Pi is astonishing! Brilliant and moving, Life Of Pi is abundant with originality. Its also abundant with excitement and adventure. See it in 3D to experience its full worth. No longer does 3D have to be a cheap gimmick of objects flying in your face. 3D as art is what director Ang Lee has in mind AND he achieves high art. Don't let that scare you off. It is not artsy but artful and above all else enormously involving and entertaining. I will not only see it again but am most eager to read the book it is based on. Life Of Pi is a beautiful film - visually, to be sure but spiritually as well. To accomplish high adventure and soaring spirituality in a story about a boy literally lost at sea is monumental. Add a ferocious tiger, an island of meerkats , a sinking passenger ship, a zebra, monkey, mean cook and several nail biting storms in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and you have the ingredients of a surprising story of faith and survival.

Is Pancreatic Cancer On The Rise?

My mother passed from pancreatic cancer. My brother passed from pancreatic cancer. Today it was announced that Mr. Food was also taken by this horrible disease. It seems I'm hearing accounts more and more about friends, acquaintences and celebs being brought down by this scourge. And it makes me wonder - just what is being done in the way of research and treatment? I feel pancreatic cancer is not a priority in the medical and science world. Perhaps I'm wrong. I don't know. This form of cancer is the cruelist it seems. There are no early warnings or treatments. My mother was diagnosed three months before she passed away. My brother had little warning as well. A diagnoses of pancreatic cancer is a death sentence. And it is immediate. A victim's final days are miserable. Severe pain, unconsciousness, delerium and over medication are all the stricken will know until the merciless end. Where are the telethons, campaigns, seminars, RESEARCH AND CURE?

Pictured is my husband, Glenn with Mr. Food at Taste Of Buffalo. Mr. Food - what is his real name? - was very nice and authentic. RIP, sir.

Click link!/JointheFight

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


People dressed better then they do, now. The fashion world respected people more.  We dressed up for events and kept the casual for everyday living. Go to the theater now and see people dressed in shorts and T shirts and sweatpants. Dressing up makes the event special beyond its own specialness. Go to weddings or even funerals now and people look like their going to a football game.


Holidays remind me of my blessings. They are many. I get nostalgic. I miss the dearly departed. Remember tinsel on the tree and big multi-colored tree lights and believing in Santa and a light snowy Christmas Eve as you go with loved ones to midnight mass? Coming home with a healthy chill and having toast and hot chocolate before you turn in - then Christmas morning? I still remember AND will never forget.


I remember when we enjoyed every movie we saw and didn't care what the critics said.Who knew from critics.Dad dropped us off every Sunday afternoon at the Abbott to see whatever was playing.I never knew what I was going to see BUT I loved everything I saw-whether it was a western,drama,musical or comedy.


I like my life these days but I do miss things or more importantly people from the past. I am reminded of a time quite different from now while I reflect as the New Year approaches.You know, I'm not a youngster anymore but I still miss my mother and father and when I think of them I feel not like a grown up but like a child - their child